​Irvin Yalom in Session: Eugenia
Watch Irvin Yalom work with Eugenia, a 23-year-old struggling with a sudden, paralyzing existential panic, over 9 in-depth sessions.
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​Irvin Yalom in Session: Gareth
Master therapist Irvin Yalom works on these elements in sessions with 69-year-old Gareth, who has struggled with anxiety for most of his life and now faces an existential fear of his impending retirement.
Video Content:
- From an existential psychotherapy perspective;
- The importance of peer and friend relationships in childhood.
- The reflections of childhood traumas in the present.
- Struggling with anxiety during the transition to retirement.
- Anxiety about the future and fear of death.
- The reflections of anxiety in dreams.
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​ Irvin Yalom in Session: Luke
Upon Viktor Yalom's invitation, Irvin Yalom met with Viktor Yalom to talk about his client and
examine the case. Irvin Yalom has two sessions with his client named Luke. Luke, who is in his thirties, married with children,
is struggling with the idea of ​​having a vasectomy. Unlike most people who have had a vasectomy, Luke wants to get
psychological help on this issue. There are other factors and experiences that trigger Luke,
and that require him to get help. While sections from the session are shown, Irvin Yalom interprets these sections.
After the session process, Viktor Yalom and Irvin Yalom come together again to discuss the case.
Video Content
-The place of the sexual self in the unconscious
-A look at masculine concerns from an existential perspective
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​Irvin Yalom on Psychotherapy and Writing
A fascinating interview with psychotherapist and author Irvin Yalom, a true master of both psychotherapy and literature who has commanded a wide audience. Here, he offers insight into the guiding principles of his half-century of groundbreaking therapeutic work, as well as his evolution as a clinician and writer.
​ Irvin Yalom: Live Case Consultation
In this video, Dr. Irvin Yalom consults with three therapists in individual and group therapy. You'll learn a lot about Dr. Irvin Yalom's approach in this video, where you'll see how he translates his existential and interpersonal approach into action!
​ The Gift of Therapy: An Interview with Irvin Yalom
In this video, Dr. Yalom explains his perspective on therapy, his ideology, and his attitude towards his clients.
Content of the video
- Dr. Yalom's decision-making process to become a therapist.
- Dr. Yalom's career development and the steps he followed on his path to becoming a therapist.
- The paths he followed in therapy, the addresses he used with his clients and their meanings.
​Group Therapy: Live Demonstration Part I
In this extraordinary demonstration, you will witness group therapy and Irvin Yalom's novel "The Schopenhauer Cure" come to life simultaneously in two unscripted group psychotherapy sessions.
​Group Therapy: Live Demonstration Part II
In this extraordinary demonstration, you will witness group therapy and Irvin Yalom's novel "The Schopenhauer Cure" come to life simultaneously in two unscripted group psychotherapy sessions.
Facing Death and Other Existential Issues in Psychotherapy
​It's a chance to have a front-row seat as Dr. Irvin Yalom speaks to a room full of therapists about a rarely discussed topic in our field: death. Sharing ideas from his latest book, Staring at the Sun, Yalom shows us how to confront death to revitalize and improve our own lives and the lives of our patients.
Understanding Group Therapy: Outpatients Part I
Watch renowned psychotherapist Irvin Yalom lead outpatient group therapy using her interpersonal model, with commentary explaining the principles of her here-and-now approach.
Understanding Group Therapy: Outpatients Part II
Watch renowned psychotherapist Irvin Yalom lead outpatient group therapy using her interpersonal model, with commentary explaining the principles of her here-and-now approach.
Understanding Group Therapy: Inpatients Part I
Learn how to manage inpatient groups by watching renowned psychotherapist Irvin Yalom use the Interpersonal Model to bring structure and healing to an inpatient psychiatric hospital.
Grup Terapisini Anlamak: Yatarak Tedavi Görenler Bölüm II
Learn how to manage inpatient groups by watching renowned psychotherapist Irvin Yalom use the Interpersonal Model to bring structure and healing to an inpatient psychiatric hospital.
Understanding Group Psychotherapy: An Interview
In this candid interview, Irvin Yalom offers pearls of wisdom from his many years as one of the world's leading experts in both group and existential therapy.